Saturday, October 15, 2005

Bit of a week!

So the lurgy got me this week! Managed to keep going, even though my body didn't want to....

Tuesday I was presenting to the Essex e-Business Club about Electronic Invoicing, so had to be there. Plus, that is one of the products my company does! Actually was inspired afterwards and we are now developing a 'Lite' version of our e-Voicing package to try and woo some of the attendees at the seminar.

Midweek there was an EGM of the PCC which was a must, too. Incredibly inpiring talk from the rector whcih also acted as an efficient deflection for some flak he has been taking from some of the older members of the congregation.

Have taken it fairly easy today, Just music practice for the service tomorrow, sat out in the sun or slept! Watched Strictly Come Dancing and reading John Sergeant's autobiography. Am amazed he stood by the Lincoln Memorial when Martin Luther King delivered his 'I Have A Dream' speech.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Poor Getaway!

Not a very auspicious start my launch into the world of Blog! I fully intended to keep a diary of all that happened with the band (After The Fire) with our large outdoor stage appearance at Greenbelt and our later unplugged set in the Christian Aid tent. The trouble was it did not work out as planned.

For a start we were poor on the main North Stage gig. At least the unplugged set was just fantastic, but I felt we had really let things down earlier. In fact, it really bugged me badly for many days. I am just so grateful that there were so many wonderful seminars and stimuli at Greenbelt to get my mind of the ATF subject...

The next Blog prob was leaviong it so long that I forgot my login and password. Like many other virgin bloggers I created a new blog just before the memory returned sufficiently for me to get back in here! However, I preferred the new title so promptly transferred it.

Today has been a rather busy day, only just returned from church after an excellent presentation by Jill who is a missionary in Ecuador for the South American Missionary Society (SAMS). Earlier I was playing (guitar) at the 9:30 service, rushed round to my friend Stuart's house to attempt a fix on his PC, partially successful, and then recorded a sound bite for a radio station that has used our song 'Check It Out' for the last 23 years! Somewhere in there fitted in lunch, too.

So, I will return, hopefully a tad sooner than last time!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

2 days 2 go!

So this is the start of Blogs and I... sounds funny. I'm not sure the world is ready for this....! So here goes:

Been trying to tie up all the loose ready for the band's trip to Greenbelt 2005. Done the map, directions, setlist, setlist with publishing details for the PRS form, cheque to give to Christian Aid and started a list of Musician's Union membership numbers. Earlier was chewing over the situation with our set list. We are allowed 40 minutes in total and the original list came to just under 35 minutes. So have decided to add back in 'Who's Gonna Love You' which is just under 5 mins but left it in grey, just in case!

There is always SO much to do and always a feeling that I've forgotten something... Tonight I will run through the songs for the last time, more like checking all the keyboard settings, before packing it up.

Planning on leaving around midday tomoz, just hope that the M25 will be ready for us and not too mega busy.

OK, that's it for now, will return a bit later....